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Gengdai Liu (Áõ¸ü´ú)

Institue of Peripherals, Department of Computer Engineering
Xidian University, Xi'an, P.R.China
Address:Room A815, Scientific Building

I was born in Dec. 1979. I am currently a lecturer in College of Computer Science at Xidian University, Xi'an, China. I received my PhD in Computer Science at State Key Lab of CAD&CG of Zhejiang University in 2009. I received Bachelor's degree in Information Engineering and Master¡¯s degree in Systems Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2002 and 2005 respectively. My research interests include character animation, virtual reality, Affective computing and human-computer interaction.


Camera Planning and Control for Virtual Humans and Crowds (NSFC)

as Project Leader

Shadow Play with Low-cost HCI Devices in Mixed Reality Environments (FRF-CU)

as Project Leader

Stylistic Human Motion Synthesis and Editing (863 Plan & Key NSFC)

as Investigator

Intelligent and Emotional Behaviors of Virtual Humans (863 Plan)

as Investigator

Digital Cultural Heritage for Grand Canal (CDSM)

as Investigator

Gengdai Liu, Mingliang Xu, Abdennour El Rhalibi. Huamn Motion Generation with Multifactor Models. Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, to appear
Gengdai Liu, Mingliang Xu, Mingmin Zhang. Human Motion Synethesis Based on Independent Spatio-Temporal Feature Space. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2011, 34(3):464-472 (in Chinese)
Mingliang Xu, Huansen Li, Pei Lv, Wenzhi Chen, Gengdai Liu, Pengyu Zhu, Zhigeng Pan. L4RW: Laziness-based Realistic Real-time Responsive Rebalance in Walking. Computer Graphics Forum. 2010, 29(7):2197-2196 (Special Issue on PG2010)
Ling Li, Gengdai Liu, Hongwei Yang, Zhigeng Pan and Edwin, Song. BAAP: A Behavioral Animation Authoring Platform for Emotion Driven 3D Virtual Characters, International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2010, LNCS 6243, pp. 350¨C357
Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Cheng Xi, Li Ling. Machine Learning in Synthesis of Human Motions: A Survey. Journal of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2010, 22(9): 1619-1627 (in Chinese )
Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Xi Cheng, A Stylistic Human Motion Editing System Based on A Subspace Motion Model, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 2010, 38(1-3):10-18
Xi Cheng, Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, A Reactive and Protective Character Motion Generation Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,2010, 38(1-3):93-100
Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Xi Cheng, Mingliang Xu, Stylistic Human Motion Synthesis with Low-dimensional Motion Model and Inverse Kinematics, Journal of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2010,22(1):145-151 (in Chinese)[video]
Wenzhi Chen, Mingmin Zhang, Zhigeng Pan, Gengdai Liu, Huaqing Shen, Shengnan Chen, Yong Liu, Animations, Games, and Virtual Reality for the Jing-Hang Grand Canal, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,2010. 30(3):84-88
Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Ling Li, Motion Synthesis Using Style-editable Inverse Kinematics, International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents 2009, LNAI 5773. pp.118-124
Xi Cheng, Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Bing Tang, Fragment Based Responsive Character Motion for Interactive Games, The Visual Computer,2009,25(5-7):479-485 (Special Issue on CGI 2009)
Zhigeng Pan, Xi Cheng, Wenzhi Chen, Gengdai Liu, Real time falling animation with active and protective responses, The Visual Computer, 2009,25(5-7):487-497 (Special Issue on CGI 2009)
Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Zuoyan Lin, Style Subspaces for Character Animation, Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds,2008,19(3-4):199-209 (Special Issue on CASA 2008)[paper][video][errata]
Hongwei Yang, Zhigeng Pan, Gengdai Liu, A Comprehensive Computational Model of Emotions, Journal of Computer Research and Development,2008,45(5):579-587 (in Chinese)
Linqiang Chen, Gengdai Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Zhi Li: Design of Water Transportation Story for Grand Canal Museum Based on Multi-projection Screens. HCI 2007, LNCS4563. pp.627-632
Zhigeng Pan, Gengdai Liu, Zhi Li, Virtual Presentation and Animation of Qingming Festival by The Riverside, DMAMH 2007, IEEE Computer Society, pp.102-105


Some photos of my daughter

UPDATED: May 6, 2011
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