====== 第三课 ======= === Distance and similarity === * Clustering: unsupervised method to group data points, and find the overall structure. * Distance : $L^1$ distance, $L^2$ distance, $L^p$ distance. * Distance, Norm and inner procuct. * Dimensional aware distances. * M-distance: $dist(x,y;M)=(x-y)^{T}M^{-1}(x-y)$ * More complex methods: PCA, MDS, LLE. * Isomap: use the geodesic distances on manifold between all pairs. * Three step algorithm: * Using KNN or $\varepsilon$ -radius distance to construct neighborhood graph. * Using Floyd's algorithm to compute the shortest paths between every pair of nodes. * Minimize the cost function to construct d-dimensional embedding. * Application: * Texture mapping. * Face Detection. * LLE: locally linear embedding, recovers global nonlinear structure from locally linear fits. * Main idea: represent each data point as a weight-sum function of its neighbour point. * Input: D dimension data. * Output: d 本节编撰作者(请大家在这里报到): * [[ender.liux@gmail.com|刘霄]] (ID: 11021018), 编写了LLE、Isomap以及之前的内容 * [[yy06@zju.edu.cn|林云胤]] (ID: 11021017), 编写了spectral clustering * [[hlt218@zju.edu.cn|黄龙涛]] (ID: 11021014), 编写了K-means clusterging * [[stel@zju.edu.cn|雷昊]] (ID: 11021015), 编写了GMM高斯混合模型 * [[xxxx@xxx.xxx|AuthorName5]] (ID: xxxxxxxxx), 编写了... * [[xxxx@xxx.xxx|AuthorName6]] (ID: xxxxxxxxx), 编写了... 浙江大学2008-2010版权所有,如需转载或引用,请与[[zhx@cad.zju.edu.cn | 作者联系]]。