Muyang Zhang

I am a Ph.D. student in College of Computer Science at Zhejiang University. My advisor is Prof. Hujun Bao in the Computer Graphics Group at State Key Lab of CAD&CG.

I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Zhejiang University in 2005. I'm working in the area of computer graphics. Current interests are mainly in geometry processing and remeshing, especially for quadrangulation.

Phone: +86-571-88206681
Fax: +86-571-88206680
Email: zhangmuyang (AT)
Address: State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 310058



  • A Wave-based Anisotropic Quadrangulation Method
    Muyang Zhang, Jin Huang, Xinguo Liu and Hujun Bao.
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) , 2010 (pdf, models, ppt)


  • Spectral Quadrangulation with Orientation and Alignment Control
    Jin Huang, Muyang Zhang, Jin Ma, Xinguo Liu, Leif Kobbelt and Hujun Bao.
    ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 27 (5) , 1--9 , 2008 (pdf, video, ppt)

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