Visa Information

For those who need a visa to travel in China, we can issue an invitation letter or a visa support letter for your visa application. Visa application process varies at the Chinese embassies/consulates in different countries, and the requirements may even vary for your different personal situations. Please consult with the Chinese embassy/consulate where you are going to apply for the visa, if possible.

Invitation Letter

This is issued by the symposium chair, which is an ordinary symposium invitation letter. This is a quick and easy method, and the experiences indicate that this is good enough for most situations and most locations for applying for the visa.

If you have completed the registration, you may request this invitation letter by sending an email to with the information of your name, birthday, gender, passport number, affiliation, address, and paper title (if applicable). The email should has a subject line of "[PacificVis'15 Invitation Letter Request] Your Name".

Official Visa Support Letter

This is issued by the Foreign Affair Office of Zhejiang University, which is a formal official visa support letter. In case where the visa application policy is rather restrictive at the Chinese embassy/consulate in your region/country, we suggest you choose this method. Please send your request email to as early as possible, since we need more time to process this type of letters.