Computer Generated Paper-cutting

As one of the most characteristic folk arts, paper cutting is widely used during folk festivals and celebrations in China.

Traditional paper cuttings are made with 2D illustrations on paper but there is a growing interest in making 3D paper-

cutting effects, for example, in the design of lanterns or toys. We develop a system for modeling paper-cutting effects

on 3D mesh models. We have designed special motifs to construct a parameterized set of decorative paper-cutting

patterns, including face feature patterns, circular patterns, saw-toothed patterns, etc. In addition, a set of intuitive user

 interface tools is designed and implemented to provide the user with flexible control and editing, such as region selection

on the mesh surface, pattern size and orientation control as well as pattern shape editing. Patterns mapped on the mesh

surface are finally rendered with stencil buffer or trimmed on the single piece mesh to simulate the cut out effect we observe

in traditional 2D paper-cuttings. As demonstrated with several 3D models, our prototype system allows a designer to

interactively create a combination of patterns with ease.


System Demo and Animation

System Demo (in QuickTime format, 30M) Animation (in QuickTime format, 20M)