您现在的位置: 实验室首页 >> 最新动态 >> 学术报告 >> 系列讲座第9期:室内机器人主动场景感知与理解——三维几何视角

主讲人:徐凯 副教授(国防科大)
主持人:周晓巍 研究员


简介: Kai Xu is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, where he earned his Ph.D. in 2011. He conducted visiting research at Simon Fraser University (2008-2010) and Princeton University (2017-2018). His research interests include geometry processing and geometric modeling, especially on data-driven approaches to the problems in those directions, as well as 3D vision and its robotic applications. He has published 70+ research papers, including 20+ SIGGRAPH/TOG papers. He organized two SIGGRAPH Asia courses and one Eurographics STAR tutorial. He is currently serving on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers & Graphics, and The Visual Computer. He also served as paper co-chair of CAD/Graphics 2017 and ICVRV 2017, as well as PC member for several prestigious conferences including SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, SGP, PG, etc. His research work can be found in his personal website: www.kevinkaixu.net


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