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关于英属哥伦比亚大学Dr. Yifan Peng学术报告的通知

报告人:Dr. Yifan Peng
主持人:王锐 教授

Abstract: Despite the benefits of facilitating compact form factors, diffractive optical elements (DOEs) have sufficient degrees of freedom that one can manipulate to encode the desirable light modulation functionality. We theoretically and experimentally investigate the practicability of introducing numerical optimization into the design procedure of ultrathin diffractive optics. With respect to image capture end, we anticipate enabling more powerful computational cameras with more compact form factors. This imaging modality can be very promising in the consumer-level camera market as well as many scientific imaging scenarios. With respect to image display end, we anticipate enabling mix-and-match holographic designs that can drive novel encoding and decoding modalities in the visualization, education, and security markets. Computational imaging with diffractive optics, involving both capture and display end, provide new insights on incorporating optics and computation algorithms to better record, understand and deliver desirable visual information under the constraint of current data bandwidth of hardware.

Biography:Yifan (Evan) Peng received his PhD at Imager Lab, Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia. He was a Visiting Research Student at Computational Imaging Group, Stanford University. In the past 3 years, he was also a Remote (Visiting) Researcher at Visual Computing Center, KAUST. Prior to join UBC, he worked at Lenovo Research as Display Tech Researcher in 2013. Before that, he got his MSc and BE degrees both in Optical Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University. His research focuses on developing and applying new imaging modalities with the combination of optics and algorithms. Much of his work concerns computational imaging solutions, including capture end and display end. He serves as the regular reviewer for a bunch of OSA and IEEE journals, and the invited reviewer for ACM SIGGRAPH & Asia, Euro-graphics, ACM CHI, etc.

[时间:2018-05-08 15:57 点击: 次]
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