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关于美国南加州大学Jernej Barbic和纽约大学Daniele Panozzo学术报告的通知

主持人:黄劲 教授

Title1: Interactive Material and Damping Design
Jernej Barbic
Bio: Associate professor of computer science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. His interest is in computer graphics, animation, interactive physics, finite element method, model reduction, deformable models, haptics, sound.
Home page: http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~jbarbic/

Title2: Generalized Tangent Vector Fields
Daniele Panozzo

Bio: Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in New York University. Daniele’s research interests are in digital fabrication, geometry processing, architectural geometry and discrete differential geometry.
Home page: http://cs.nyu.edu/~panozzo/

The two professors are experts in 3D fabrication, physically based simulation, tree animation, parameterization etc.  After the talk, the audience can discuss with them about broad topics.

[时间:2017-08-19 22:21 点击: 次]
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