
报告题目: Numerical Studies of Stochastic Helmholtz and Stochastic Maxwell Equations
报告人:张凯 博士
主持人:李明 副研究员

In this talk, we address the finite element method and discontinuous Galerkin method for the stochastic Helmholtz equation in R^d (d=2,3), and numerical method for stochastic Maxwell equations in dispersive media driven by color noise. Convergence analysis and error estimates are presented for the numerical solutions. The effects of the noises on the accuracy of the approximations are illustrated. Results of the numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate
our theoretical analysis.

Zhang Kai obtained his PhD from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008. Then he worked as a postdoc in Michigan State University from 2008-2010. He is now working in the department of Mathematic in Jilin University. His research interests include numerical method for acoustic and electromagnetic problems, numerical method for stochastic PDE, numerical method for Black-Scholes model, geometric numerical integration for dynamical systems.