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International Conference Papers Published in 2011

1.Xin Zhang,Ziang Ding,Chuan Zhu,Wei Chen,Qunsheng Peng,View-Dependent Line Drawings for 3D Scenes,CASA2011,Chengdu,China,May 26-28,2011

2.Huagen Wan,Song Zou,Zirong Dong,Hai Li,Hujun Bao,MRStudio: A mixed reality display system for aircraft cockpit,IEEE International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations,129-135,Singapore,March,2011

3.Jiazhou Che,Yujun Chen,Xavier Granier,Jingling Wang,Qunsheng Peng,Importance-Driven Composition of Multiple Rendering Styles,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,79-86,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

4.Xin Zhang,Wei Chen,Zhonglei Yang,Chuan Zhu,Qunsheng Peng,A New Foveation Ray Casting Approach for Real-Time Rendering of 3D Scenes,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,99-102,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

5.Lina Zhang,Jinhui Yu,Image Mosaics with Irregular Tiling,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,155-162,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

6.Xia Yuan,Fang Zhong,Yijiang Zhang,Qunsheng Peng,Automatic Segmentation of head-and-Shoulder Images by combining Edge feature and shape,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,163-170,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

7.Yijiang Zhang,Julien Pettre,Xueying Qin,Stephane Donikian,Qunsheng Peng,A Local Behavior Model for Small Pedestrian Group,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,275-281,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

8.Yong Zhao,Bin Pan,Qunsheng Peng,Robust Deformation Transfer via Dual Domain,Proc. of CAD/Graphics302-306,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

9.Shuai Wang,Bin Pan,Xiaoming Guo,Zhangye Wang,Qunsheng Peng,2.5D Focus+Context Map Visualization,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,389-396,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

10.Bin Pan,Xiang Chen,Xiaoming Guo,Wei Chen,Qunsheng Peng,Interactive Expressive Illustration of 3D City Scene,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,406-409,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

11.Guanyu Xin,Yanli Liu,Xueying Qing,Qunsheng Peng,On-line Illumination Estimation of Outdoor Scenes Based on Area Selection for Augmented Reality,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,439-442,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

12.Xinjie Zhang,Jinhui Yu,Modeling expressions of Peking opera facial make-ups,Proc. of CAD/Graphics,502-508,Jinan,China,Sept.15-17,2011

13.Bangjie Tang,Zhiguang Zhou,and Hai Lin. Depth-Based Feature Enhancement for Volume Visualization,The 12th International CAD/Graphics 2011 conference,Shandong University,Jinan,China,on September 15-17,2011

14.Junlian Shuai,Zhiguang Zhou,Bin Zhang,Gang Hua,Hai Lin,Feature-Preserving Quantization for 3D Seismic Visualization,The 12th International CAD/Graphics 2011 conference,Shandong University,Jinan,China,on September 15-17,2011

15.Hongwei Lin,Yu Zhao,The PIA Property of Low Degree Non-uniform Triangular B-B Patches,In Proceedings of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics’2011,239-243,Jinan,China,2011 (Recommended to Computers & Graphics)

16.Hongwei Lin,Yu Zhao,Variational progressive-iterative approximation for fairing curve and surface generation,In Proceedings of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics’2011,258-261,Jinan,China,2011(Recommended to Journal of Computer Science and Technology)

17.Housheng Zhu,Yusheng LIU,3D Constructive MA Generation,SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (GD/SPM11),Orlando,Florida/ U.S.A. Oct. 24-27,2011

18.Zhongfei Sun,Yusheng LIU,An automated functional decomposition approach for system design of mechatronic products,2011 Acian Conf,on Design and Digital Engieering,Shanghai,Sept. 26-28,2011

19.Ming Li,Shuming Gao,Ralph Martin,Estimating effects of removing negative features on engineering analysis,Computer-Aided Design,43(1):1402-1212,2011,Also published on SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (SPM11)

20.ShumingGao,Chenghao Hu,Hua Zhu,Chuhua Xian,Xiaoshen Chen,A CAD/CAE integration framework for simulation driven design,Proc. Of ACDDE 2011,Aug. 27-29,2011,Shanghai,China,30-34

21.Weijuan Cao,Xiaoshen Chen,ShumingGao,An approach to automated conversion from design feature model to analysis feature model,Proc. of ASME DETC/CIE2011,Aug. 28-31,Washington,D.C.,U.S.A.(DETC2011-47555)

22.Wanbin Pan,ShumingGao,Hua Zhu,Ming Li,Jinming Chen,Identifying Different Entities for Minor Model Modification Based on Common Primary Subpart,Proc. Of CAD'11,June 27-30,2011,TAIPEI,Taiwan

23.Hua Zhu,Chenghao Hu,ShumingGao,Finite element mesh editing through CAD operations. Proc. Of CAD/Graphics 2011,Sept. 15-17,2011,Jinan,China,53-62

24.Chuhua Xian,ShumingGao,Tianming Zhang,tetrahedral mesh editing with local feature manipulations. Proc. Of CAD/Graphics 2011,Sept. 15-17,2011,Jinan,China,130-140

25.Philip Livengood,Ross Maciejewski,Wei Chen,David S. Ebert,A Visual Analysis System for Metabolomics Data. InProceedings of the 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (IEEE VisWeek). Providence,USA,2011

26.Guizhen Wang,Chaokai Wen,Binghui Yan,Jing Xia,Zhen Liu,Wei Chen,Topic Hypergraph: Hierarchical Visualization of Thematic Structures in Long Documents. InProceedings of IEEE Information Visualization 2011 (Poster)

27.Yueqi Hu,Guizhen Wang,Ronghua Liang,Guangyu Chen,Dichao Peng and Wei Chen,Visual Analysis of People’s Calling Network from CDR data,In Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization 2011 (Poster,Best Poster Award)

28.Binbin Lin,Chiyuan Zhang,Xiaofei He,Semi-supervised Regression via Parallel Field Regularization,NIPS 2011

29.Xinlei Chen,Deng Cai,Large Scale Spectral Clustering with Landmark-Based Representation. Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI),San Francisco,California,USA,2011

30.Deng Cai,Hujun Bao,Xiaofei He: Sparse concept coding for visual analysis. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2905-2910,Colorado Springs,CO,USA,2011
